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Raghav is a teacher and founder of He was an Automation Architect and has led multiple teams of Automation and DevOps Engineers. For over a decade, Raghav witnessed, worked and delivered multiple Automation Testing Projects and worked with some awesome people in this industry

What is “self” in Python?

Let me explain what “self” means in Python in a simple way! When we write code in Python, sometimes we want to create something called an “object” An object is a special kind of thing that has certain properties (like a color, a size, a shape) and certain things it can do (like make a …

A Story of Cookies

One day Mickey was watching TV at his home when he heard Minnie calling him out Minnie – Hey Mickey Mickey – Hi Minnie, how are you Minnie – I need to talk to you Mickey – Okay come inside (Minnie came rushing through the door) Mickey – Hi Minnie. Take a breath, What happened? …

What is Resilience Testing with Examples

Resilience testing is a type of testing that is focused on ensuring that a system can recover from failures or disruptions. It involves intentionally causing failures or disruptions in the system and observing how the system responds. The goal of resilience testing is to identify and fix any vulnerabilities that could cause the system to …

A Story of Cloud Computing

One day Mickey was taking a walk at the riverside when Minnie came running to himMinnie – Hey Mickey, Wait for me! Mickey – Hi Minnie, what happened? Minnie – I need to talk to you Mickey – Sure, tell me Minnie – Do you know what is Cloud Computing? Mickey – Sure I do, …