Read this Story


Raghav is a teacher and founder of AutomationStepByStep.com

He was an Automation Architect and has led multiple teams of Automation and DevOps Engineers. For over a decade, Raghav witnessed, worked and delivered multiple Automation Testing Projects and worked with some awesome people in this industry.

After leading & working intensively on multiple projects, he realized a need to share and hand-over his knowledge to everyone who needs it and anyone who wants to learn Automation and DevOps in a very basic, simple, step-by-step manner. He started teaching and soon realized this is his passion.
He then dedicated his life to the mission of education.

Since then he has been teaching on multiple platforms.
Today he spends most of his time teaching topics related to Automation, Testing, DevOps, CI.
He is also a coach and trainer and conducts classes in India and the US. 

Words from Raghav
We often need someone to hold our hand and help us take the first few steps before we learn to walk and run. I am on a mission to spread education and make it available to anyone willing to learn.

Never stop learning…
Raghav Pal

Raghav’s current roles:

Teacher Automation Step by Step
Teacher YouTube
Teacher Udemy
Faculty IIST
Ambassador DOI
Adv Board CP-SAT
Instructor Katalon Academy
Coach & Trainer Corporates and Students


Courses by Raghav

Automation | Testing | DevOps | CI

Stories by Raghav

School of Basics

You can support Raghav’s mission for education by sharing this knowledge and helping as many people as you can

If my work has helped you, consider helping an animal near you, in any way you can
Never Stop Learning

Connect with Raghav –   Twitter  LinkedIn  Udemy  YouTube