Jenkins Beginner Tutorial 3 – How to change Home Directory


Jenkins Home Directory contains:
1. All configurations
2. Plugins
3. Jobs details
4. Logs

-To move jenkins home dir to a location that has enough disk space
-Project requirements

Step 1
Check your current home directory

Step 2
Create a new folder (which will be new home dir)

Step 3
Copy all data from old dir to new dir

Step 4
Change env variable – JENKINS_HOME and set to new dir
Windows – change env variable
Mac – goto terminaal
export JENKINS_HOME=/Users/raghav/Desktop/Tools/Jenkins/JenkinsHome/

Step 5
Restart Jenkins

To see hidden files/folders on mac:
1. Exit Finder
2. On terminal – defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
3. Press option/alt – right click finder – relaunch


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