Assertions = checks on the Response
1. Response Assertion
2. Duration Assertion
3. Size Assertion
4. HTML Assertion
5. XML Assertion
6. XPATH Assertion
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Hello Sir,
Ankit is here, first of all, thank you so much for JMeter tutorial they are very helpful and easy to understand.
So my question is, I understand that how to use assertion and perform load testing but I did not getting how can I test 1000 of call/HTTPRequest together and check whether they are working or not because adding 1000 HTTP request in a thread is not the right way to test. If is there any solution please let me know.
Hi Ankit, the first thing will be to categorize your requests. You might need to put different requests with different loads as per real-world scenarios. You can create multiple threads for these categories and can run the threads from command line simultaneously.