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A Story of Shift Left

One day Minnie was waiting for Mickey at the train station. Mickey came running…

Mickey – Hey Minnie, why did you call me here, Is everything okay?

Minnie – Yes, I am going for an interview and one of the things I am expected to know is Shift Left, but I have no clue about it

Mickey – Oh don’t worry. Let me explain it

Minnie – But my train is approaching

Mickey – That’s even great. Let me come with you and I will tell you a story on the train

Minnie – Do you often travel without ticket

Mickey – Let’s focus on the topic

Minnie – Awesome

(Mickey and Minnie boarded the train)

Mickey – So shall we start

Minnie – Mickey, I heard about “Shift Left” but I’m not sure what it is. Can you explain it in a simpler way?

Mickey – Of course, Minnie! Think of “Shift Left” as a friendly reminder note. You know how we put sticky notes on our fridge to remember important things?

Mob Muscular Theoretical note on fridge air Long Infinity

Minnie – Oh, yeah, like when we remind ourselves to buy more carrots!

Mickey – Right! So, Shift Left is like putting a reminder note for computer programs. It’s like saying, “Check if everything’s okay right from the start.”

Minnie – But why do we need those reminder notes for computer stuff?

Mickey – Well, think of it like this. Imagine you’re building a sandcastle. If you wait until the castle is all done to make sure it’s strong, it might fall apart

Why a Sand Castle Sticks Together - WSJ

Minnie – Oh no, that would be a disaster!

Mickey – That’s right! Shift Left is like saying, “Let’s check if the sandcastle is strong while we’re building it.” It’s like looking for weak spots in the sand from the very beginning

Minnie – So, it’s about finding problems early on?

Mickey – Exactly! It’s like checking if our sandcastle is safe and strong while we’re building it, not after it’s all done. That way, we can fix any problems before they become big issues

Minnie – I get it now. Shift Left is like leaving reminder notes to check the sandcastle while we build it, so it stays strong

Mickey – You got it, Minnie! It’s all about making sure our digital sandcastles, like computer programs, are safe and sturdy right from the start

Minnie – Thanks, Mickey! Now I understand Shift Left. It’s like building a strong foundation for our sandcastles

Mickey – Most welcome

Minnie – Mickey, can you show me a real-world scenario for Shift Left in a software project?

Mickey – Of course, Minnie! Imagine a team is building a brand new game for our computers. It’s going to be a super fun adventure game

Minnie – Wow, I want to play that game!

MickeyNow, Shift Left in this scenario is like having the game testers start their testing right from the moment the game is being created. They don’t wait until the game is finished

Minnie – But why do they do that?

Mickey – Well, think about it like this. If they wait until the game is done and then find a big problem, it can take a long time to fix it. It’s like building a sandcastle and realizing it’s not strong after you’re all done

Minnie – Oh, so they’re making sure the game is strong from the start?

Why Shift-Left Testing? Pros and Cons

Mickey – Exactly! They’re like the taste-testers for our cookies. They want to make sure the game is fun and works well right from the beginning. That way, if there’s any issue, they can fix it early, just like checking the cookie ingredients

Minnie – So, Shift Left is like making sure the game is amazing and bug-free right from the start, not after it’s finished?

Mickey – That’s it! It’s all about making sure our digital adventures, like computer games, are fantastic and trouble-free right from the very beginning

Minnie – Thanks, Mickey! Now I understand. Shift Left is like having testers make sure our game is great while it’s still being built

Mickey – You’ve got it, Minnie! It’s all about creating the best digital adventures for everyone to enjoy

Minnie – Yes, I get it now

Mickey – Oh! The train has arrived at your station

Minnie – Oh, I just lost sense of time

Mickey – All the best for your interview. I will wait here until you are back and we will take the train back home

Minnie – You are my best friend

Mickey – I am always here for you 🙂

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