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Protractor Beginner Tutorials

Protractor is an end-to-end testing framework for Angular and AngularJS applications.
Its advantages over other automation testing tools include:

  • automatic waiting for AngularJS to finish rendering before each test
  • easy synchronization with Angular's built-in $http and $timeout services
  • support for Page Object Model design patterns

Protractor uses Angular's built-in $http and $timeout services to handle asynchronous operations in AngularJS applications
Protractor automatically waits for these services to finish before moving on to the next step in the test script

Protractor is built on top of WebDriverJS, which is the JavaScript implementation of Selenium WebDriver, and provides additional features specifically for testing AngularJS applications, such as automatic waiting for AngularJS to finish rendering before each test

Jasmine is a behavior-driven testing framework for JavaScript
Protractor uses Jasmine for writing and executing test scripts
To write test cases using Jasmine, you use the describe() function to group together related test cases and the it() function to define individual test cases

A Promise is an object that represents the eventual completion or failure of an asynchronous operation and its resulting value
Protractor uses Promises to handle asynchronous operations, such as waiting for a page to load or for an element to become available

You can use the browser.ignoreSynchronization = true; command to tell Protractor to treat a page as a non-Angular page and disable automatic waiting for AngularJS to finish rendering before each test

getText() is used to get the visible text of an element, while getAttribute() is used to get the value of a specific attribute of an element

A locator is a way of finding elements on a page in Protractor.

You can use various types of locators, such as by.id(), by.css(), by.xpath(), etc., to find elements on a page

Page Object Model (POM) is a design pattern for writing maintainable and scalable test scripts. It involves creating a separate class for each web page or component of the application being tested, which encapsulates all the properties and methods related to that page or component. Protractor encourages the use of POM to organize and structure the test scripts

You can use the browser.switchTo().alert() method to switch to an alert dialog and interact with it using the accept() or dismiss() methods

beforeAll() is a function that is executed only once before all the test cases in a describe() block, while beforeEach() is a function that is executed before each test case in a describe() block

You can use the element.all() and element() functions to select dropdown options by their index or text value

Expected Conditions are predefined conditions provided by Protractor, while Jasmine Matchers are used for more custom validation
Expected Conditions are typically used for waiting for an element to be present, visible, or clickable before performing an action
Jasmine Matchers are used for custom assertions, such as checking the text of an element or verifying the presence of an attribute

Protractor provides a built-in mechanism for handling synchronization issues through the use of Expected Conditions
By using Expected Conditions, you can wait for an element to be present, visible, or clickable before performing an action
You can also use browser.sleep() to pause the execution of your test for a specified number of milliseconds

The Page Object Model is a design pattern used in Protractor for creating reusable and maintainable tests
With the Page Object Model, you create a class for each page in your application, and define the elements and actions on that page as methods of the class. This makes your tests more readable, modular, and easier to maintain

ng-model is a directive in AngularJS that binds the value of an input element to a variable in the $scope
In Protractor, you can use ng-model to interact with input elements on a page
For example, you can use element(by.model('username')).sendKeys('user123') to enter the text "user123" into an input field bound to the 'username' variable in the $scope.

To test a dropdown list in Protractor, you can use the
element(by.css('select')).click() to open the dropdown list, then use
element(by.cssContainingText('option', 'Option Text')).click() to select an option by its text value
You can also use element(by.css('select')).sendKeys('Option Value') to select an option by its value attribute

Protractor provides a built-in mechanism for handling alerts through the use of Expected Conditions
You can use
browser.switchTo().alert() to switch the focus of the browser to the alert dialog, then use
browser.switchTo().alert().accept() or
browser.switchTo().alert().dismiss() to accept or dismiss the alert

browser.driver is the WebDriver instance that Protractor uses to control the browser, while browser is a wrapper around browser.driver that provides additional functionality specific to Protractor. You should use browser whenever possible, as it provides a higher-level API that is more reliable and easier to use

To execute JavaScript in Protractor, you can use
browser.executeScript('JavaScript Code'), passing in the JavaScript code as a string argument
This allows you to perform custom operations on the page that are not possible with Protractor's built-in methods. You can also use browser.executeAsyncScript() to execute asynchronous JavaScript