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A Story of Linux

One day Mickey was walking down a street when he saw Minnie in the market

Mickey – Hey Minnie

Minnie – Hi Mickey. How are you!

Mickey – Hey I am good, You look lost

Minnie – Err! Hmm! Yes, You know I am going to start with learning Linux and I wanted to understand what is Linux

Mickey – Great, so what did you learn

Minnie – I went to the library and tried to get some information but I am still not clear what is Linux, why do we have so many distributions of Linux, how is it different from windows or Mac

Mickey – Oh don’t worry, Let’s sit somewhere and I will explain it in an easy way

Minnie – Wow, great, Let’s Go

Mickey – Let’s think of a Car

Minnie – Okay

Mickey – What is at the core of a Car

Minnie – What do you mean

Mickey – I mean, what drives a car

Minnie – Hmm! I think the Engine

Mickey – Yes, Exactly, Now think of Car as Operating System and Engine as Kernel of the Operating System

Minnie – Great

Mickey – So kernel is an important part of the Operating System and you cannot use OS without kernel

Minnie – Got it so far

Mickey – But you cannot drive an engine, You need other components like gear, steering, wheels, brakes and more

Minnie – Of course

Mickey – Similarly, you cannot use the kernel on its own, you will need other tools like shell, commands, gui etc to interact with the kernel and use the Operating System

Minnie – I am getting this

Mickey – Great

Minnie – I have a question here

Mickey – Sure Minnie

Minnie – Do other operating systems like Windows also have kernel

Mickey – Yes, Minnie,  Windows, macOS and other operating systems have a kernel underneath as well. Microsoft Windows operating systems are based on the Windows NT kernel. Apple’s macOS is based on the XNU kernel

Minnie – Got it

Mickey – You can think of Microsoft as an automobile company that makes general purpose cars (the Windows Operating System) that is hugely popular and dominates the car market. They use their own patented engine (kernel) that no one else can use. But these ‘Microsoft cars’ do not offer any scope for customization. You cannot modify the engine on your own

Minnie – I am getting this

MickeyNow we come to the ‘Apple automobile’. They offer shiny-looking, luxury cars at an expensive price. If you have a problem, they have a premium support system where they might just replace the car

Minnie – Yes, I know

Mickey – Now comes Linux, remember Linux is just an engine (kernel). But this ‘Linux engine’ is not patented and thus anyone is free to use, modify and build cars (desktop operating systems)

Minnie – Wow

Mickey – Hope you got what is Linux

Minnie – Yes, Mickey, who created Linux

Mickey Linux was developed by Linus Torvalds and released in Sep 1991

Minnie – I have a question, why are there so many distributions of Linux

Mickey – There can be so many cars, different category, different uses etc. Linux engine is free and so several vehicle manufacturer use it but for building different types of cars as per the need and use

Anyone can use the Linux engine to build a vehicle on top of it

Minnie – So, that is why Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, SUSE, and many other Linux-based operating systems (also called Linux distributions or Linux distros) exist

Mickey – Exactly

Minnie – I have a question

Mickey – Yes Minnie

Minnie – Linux is free to use and modify, Right

Mickey – Yes

Minnie – So suppose I take a linux engine car (i.e. install a Linux os), can I then change or modify

Mickey – Yes, you can, Think of it as like customizing cars. You may modify a car to change the look and feel and same you can do in Linux

Minnie – Got it. You made it so easy

Mickey – Let’s go home now

Minnie – No Mickey, let’s sit for some more time. You are my best friend

Mickey – I am always there for you 🙂

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