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A Story of Scrum

One day Mickey was driving his car when he saw Minnie on the bus stop

Mickey – Hey Minnie

Minnie – Oh! Hi Mickey

Mickey – What are you doing here

Minnie – Waiting for my bus to go home

Mickey – Don’t worry come in, I will drop you

Minnie – Thanks Mickey

Mickey – You look worried

Minnie – I have been reading about Scrum and now I am confused

Mickey – Oh, don’t you worry, I know you understand better with stories

Minnie – Here we go

Mickey – Well lets take a project, suppose you have bought a new home. It’s completely empty and you have to plan and buy everything for your home. So you need to buy several different items from the market, The shops are spread across a huge market and you need to plan in a way that you can manage to buy all the items properly and correctly and have to manage time and resources in the best way possible. How will you go about it

Minnie – Well, I will first create a list of items. I will then plan what items to get in the first phase. Then I will create a plan on the best time to go to the market. I will also analyse what items to buy first and what to buy last based on my needs, shops location, item size etc. I will also arrange bags for the items

Mickey – Yes, and you can plan how to transfer the items, What if you do not find something, what is the alternative. What items are very important and what are not

Minnie – Yes, and of course I will estimate the budget

Mickey – Yes, very important and the resources, in the sense that if you require help. How many people required at different stages etc. How transportation will take place

Minnie – Yes

Mickey – After planning you will execute the plan. Now based on the amount of stuff you have, you can also divide your shopping in phases or intervals. It can be done within few phases in a day or can also span across several days if needed. Having small manageable phases will be easy to manage, execute and in case changes are required it can be better planned and executed

Minnie – Yes

Mickey – But for every phase or for every visit to the market, you need to plan in a way that whatever you decide to buy, reaches you in a proper and efficient way in the given time and so once all your shopping phases are over, you should have a complete home with all the things you have planned

Minnie – Yes, wow

Mickey – Now here, you planned your project of buying all the things for a new home. You analysed the work and time and resources, You took help of some tools to analyse, estimate, plan. You created a structure to execute the plan, and you created a schedule and time bound phases.

Minnie – Yes

Mickey – This is exactly what Scrum is all about. SCRUM is a framework that describes a set of process, tools and roles to help teams structure and manage their work (project)

Minnie – Ok

Mickey – In Scrum the project is built into series of iterations called Sprints. We breakdown big, complex projects into smaller pieces and each piece is worked upon in a Sprint that usually is 1 week to 3 weeks long

This makes the project more manageable, faster, increases flexibility and ease of incorporating changes

Minnie – Okay, so a big project can be divided into several small phases or modules and each module is worked upon and completed into small interval of time called Sprint

Mickey – Exactly, and this is a way to implement Agile methodology as we saw in A Story of Agile

Minnie – Got it

Mickey – For every project, there is a list of requirements, features, enhancements, fixes to be worked upon and this is called the Product Backlog

For every sprint some requirements or features are taken from this Product Backlog and worked upon and completed

Minnie – Ok

Mickey – Ok now, Scrum has some defined roles

Product Owner – have complete knowledge of the product. They have good understanding of the product market. They analyse and finalise the requirements

Scrum Master – Plan and manages the scrum process, checks everything is going well and as planned. In short manages the scrum

Scrum Team – The complete team working in a sprint that designs, develops and tests the product

Minnie – I am getting it

Mickey – In scrum, there are few meetings to discuss and decide

What to do

How to do

Who will do

Then every day there are stand-up meetings to discuss what is done, what is left, and analyse the progress, schedule. Are we going as planned etc.

After the sprint is over, there is review meeting to discuss about the last spring, what was good, what was not, what we learned, what can be improved in next sprint etc

Minnie – Now I understand this

Mickey – So Scrum is like a process or framework that defines some tools, processes, roles, ways and methods to get work done efficiently

Minnie – Yes and we learned the following terminolgies

  1. Sprint
  2. Product Backlog
  3. Product Owner
  4. Scrum Master
  5. Scrum Team
  6. Daily Stand-up meetings
  7. Sprint review meeting

Mickey – Great!

Minnie – Is scrum applied for software development projects only?

Mickey – No, its a framework that can be implemented in any project, Marketing, HR etc, however most used in Software development. The main idea here is to plan, break and manage project into small workable pieces 

Minnie – Ok, I feel so good now

Mickey – Great and here comes your home

Minnie – Don’t Stop. Let’s go to some place where we can discuss some more stories

Mickey – Sure, ma’am

Minnie – You are my best friend

Mickey – I am always here for you 🙂

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