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A Story of DSL

One day Mickey saw Minnie sitting at the beach

Mickey – Hey Minnie

Minnie – Hi Mickey

Mickey – What are you doing here

Minnie – Came here to relax, feeling exhausted

Mickey – What is keeping you busy

Minnie – I need to explain DSL (Domain Specific Language) to my class tomorrow and I have been reading about it at the library but did not get it properly

Mickey – Oh, don’t you worry, I am here now, You understand better with a story

Minnie – Here we go

Mickey – Have you used a hammer

Minnie – Yes, of course

Mickey – Ok, what all can you do with a hammer

Minnie – Lots of things, fix nails on the wall, nail pushing, pulling, assembling furniture, bending, shaping, general carpentry, etc

Mickey – Can you open a beer bottle with a hammer

Minnie – Well, may be tricky, but I can

Mickey – Yes, exactly, you can but it can be difficult, dangerous, time-consuming, not very efficient, etc. It’s better to use a bottle opener that is created for this specific purpose

Minnie – Yes, you are right

Mickey – So bottle opener is like a DSL created for a specific purpose

Minnie – Give me some real-time example

Mickey – Ok! Do you know SQL (Structured Query Language)

Minnie – Not really deep, but I know its a language used to query databases

Mickey – Great, so SQL is created for a specific purpose i.e. query databases, unlike any general-purpose language like Java or Python

Minnie – So is SQL a DSL

Mickey – Yes exactly

domain-specific language (DSL) is a language meant for use in the context of a particular domain

like SQL for Database Domain

A domain could be a business context (e.g., banking, insurance, etc.) or an application context (e.g., a web application, database, etc.) 

A DSL does not attempt to please all. Instead, it is created for a limited sphere of applicability and use, but it’s powerful enough to represent and address the problems and solutions in that sphere

A good example of a DSL is HTML. It is a language for the web application domain

Minnie – Tell me some examples of DSL


  • SQL  databases
  • HTML – web layout
  • CSS – style web
  • XPath – XML nodes selection
  • UML – visual modeling
  • Gherkin – A DSL to define functional tests

Minnie – What are some examples for DSL in the Business domain

Mickey – DSL can be created specifically to some business domains like

  • Billing
  • Salary Calculation
  • Life Insurance

Minnie – Okay now I have enough data to present to my class tomorrow

Mickey – So now you understand DSL

Minnie – Yes, I feel so good now

Mickey – Shall we go home

Minnie – No, let’s just sit here and watch the sunset

Mickey – Ok

Minnie – You are my best friend, Mickey

Mickey – I am always here for you 🙂

about the author more stories
