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A Story of TLS

One day Mickey was at the beach when he saw Minnie

Mickey – Hey Minnie

Minnie – Hi Mickey

Mickey – What are you doing here

Minnie – Just came for a walk. I am thinking something

Mickey – What exactly

Minnie – I need to explain TLS to my class tomorrow and I do not know anything

Mickey – Do not worry. I will help you. I know you understand better with a story

Minnie – Great

Mickey – here we go

Mickey – Let’s say you have got a box of precious stones and your friend Goofy requests to have that box

Minnie – Okay

Mickey – And both of you want to transfer it securely

It should not get stolen on the way

No one should be able to see what is inside

No one should be able to replace the content of the box

Minnie – Of course

Mickey – So this is how you start the process

Step 1: Goofy sends you a message that he wants the box but needs to transfer it securely

Step 2: Minnie agrees to use a secure process

Step 3: Minnie now sends his identification details to Goofy along with a key (Public Key) This key will be used to lock the box but cannot be used to unlock. To unlock we will use a Private Key that is with Minnie

Step 4: Goofy uses the public key to generate a shared key that can be used further in the communication

Step 5: Goofy now sends a “Finished” message. But does not send the shared key directly. He sends along with a pre-master key (generated from Minnie’s public key)

Step 6: Minnie receives the message and decrypts and gets the shared key

The secure connection is now established and they can communicate using the shared key

Step 7: Now Minnie uses the shared key to lock the box and sends it to Goofy

Step 8: Goofy uses the shared key to unlock the box and gets the precious stones

Minnie – Oh Great, So this is how TLS works

Mickey – Yes, now let us understand

TLS = Transport Layer Security

TLS is a security protocol to enable secure data transfer

TLS encrypts data sent over the Internet to ensure that hackers are unable to see it

Minnie – This is interesting

Mickey – So in our example, you can see Goofy is the client and Minnie is the server

Client notifies the server that it desires a secure TLS connection instead of a standard insecure connection

Server confirms this and responds with a yes and a digital certificate along with a public key

The digital certificate is the server’s way of saying “Yes, I really am who you think I am”.

Client verifies the certificate and also gets the public key.

Client uses the public key encryption to privately generate a shared key

Client sends a “Finished” message to the server encrypted using the shared key.

Along with this it also sends a pre-master key (encrypted with the server’s public key. This can be used by server to get the shared key

The server can now compute the shared key based on the pre-master key, and attempt to decrypt the “Finished” message with that key. 

Finally, Client and Server can exchange data encrypted using shared key

source – https://comodosslstore.com/blog/what-is-ssl-tls-client-authentication-how-does-it-work.html

Minnie – Great now I get how the TLS process works

Mickey – Great do you want to go back home

Minnie – No let’s just sit here and watch the sunset

Mickey – Sure

Minnie – You are my best friend

Mickey – I am always here for you 🙂

about the author more stories
