Read this Story

A Story of WebSocket

One day Minnie was taking a walk at the university campus when she saw Mickey running towards her

Mickey – Hey Minnie!

Minnie – Hi Mickey. Take a breath, What happened?

Mickey – Today in my class, I need to explain and teach about WebSockets

Minnie – Okay, so what’s the problem

Mickey – The class is in 10 min from now

Minnie – So what?

Mickey – You know I went for a short trip this weekend and almost forgot to prepare

Minnie – Okay, do not worry

Mickey – No Minnie, you do not understand, I have a class in 10 min and I do not know anything

Minnie – Do not worry, You will know all about it in the next 5 min

Mickey – Wow

Minnie – Let me tell you a story

Mickey – Oh Yes

Minnie – There was a beautiful village. In that village, there was a river and people had to get water from that river for their daily use

Mickey – Ok

Minnie – They used buckets to get water from the river. Every time anyone needed water, he would go to the river, fill the bucket with water and come back

Mickey – Nice

Minnie – One day they all the villagers met and thought, it is difficult to go to the river every time we need water. And we have the only option to get a bucket of water every time. In case we need a tank full, will have to go to the river multiple times.

Mickey – Yeah! It’s difficult

Minnie – So the clever people thought, instead of using buckets, they will use a hose and connect it to the river

Mickey – Great Idea

Minnie – Now you can run it anytime you want and get the quantity as per your needs, a glass or a tank full

Mickey – Smart people

Minnie – Now think of when we browse the web, how do the request and response work

Mickey – I do not know

Minnie – Well in the typical HTTP protocol a user (or client) sends a request to a server and the server sends the response and the connection is closed

Mickey – Okay

Minnie – In case the user sends another request, the connection is re-established and closed after the request is served

Mickey – Yes

Minnie – Now this works fine in most cases where you do not need to keep a consistent open connection. But think about a chat application or a real-time feed application like Twitter, Facebook, etc where we need to be connected always to the server(s) to get real-time updates, feeds, chats, etc

Mickey – Yeah, how do they manage

Minnie – This is where WebSockets come into the picture

WebSocket is a communication protocol used in client-server communication, like HTTP

WebSocket is an API that makes it possible to open a two-way interactive communication session between the user’s browser (client) and a server. With this API, you can send messages to a server and receive event-driven responses without having to poll the server every-time for a reply

Mickey – I have started getting this but how do I relate it with the story

Minnie – In the story, think of the river as the website or server, the house as a browser or client. Buckets are HTTP requests and responses and water is the data

Initially, whenever the client needs he sends the request to the server, and the server responds with the data as requests and the event is closed

But, later, we used hose pipes. The hoses are like WebSockets, that keeps the stream open unless one of the client or server closes it. And the data can be exchanged without setting up a new connection every-time

Mickey – So I got it, what is the real use of having web sockets or having a 2-way open session

Minnie – WebSockets can be used in

Chat Applications
Real-time web applications
Gaming applications
Location-based apps

Mickey – Okay so both HTTP and WebSockets are communication protocols

Minnie – Yes, and

HTTP is Unidirectional
WebSocket is Bidirectional

Mickey – How?


HTTP is unidirectional where the client sends the request and the server sends the response. Let’s take an example when a user sends a request to the server this request goes in the form of HTTP or HTTPS, after receiving a request server sends the response to the client, each request is associated with a corresponding response, after sending the response the connection gets closed, each HTTP or HTTPS request establish the new connection to the server every time and after getting the response the connection gets terminated by itself

WebSocket is bidirectional, a full-duplex protocol that is used in the same scenario of client-server communication, unlike HTTP it starts from ws:// or wss://. It is a stateful protocol, which means the connection between client and server will keep alive until it is terminated by either party (client or server). after closing the connection by either of the client and server, the connection is terminated from both the end

Mickey – Okay, but when I work on my browser and go to any site, it starts with http:// or https://, I have never observed   ws:// or wss://

Minnie – You see, the initial web address to any resource or any web page is with http(s) but internally when establishing connection and when needed, it sends ws:// or wss://

You can see this if you goto the developer options of your browser and check the Networks tab

This can be seen when you are on some chat apps or any other application that requires real-time feeds

Mickey – Oh wow, I wish I could see it and show it to my class

Minnie – Yes, you can

Mickey – How?

Minnie – You can do this on your browser

Check this video

Mickey – Wow

Minnie – So Mickey, can you now explain this to your class

Mickey – I can now explain this to anyone in the world

Minnie – Wow

Mickey – Minnie, You are my best friend

Minnie – I am always here for you 🙂

about the author more stories


Websockets demo