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A Story of Cloud Services (IaaS Paas SaaS)

One day Minnie was at the airport when she saw Mickey there

Minnie – Hi Mickey

Mickey – Hey Minnie, How are you

Minnie – I am good, where are you going

Mickey – I am going to Disneyland Paris

Minnie – Wow, even I am heading there

Mickey – That will be great fun

Minnie – Yes, we still have an hour before the flight takes off

Mickey – Yeah let’s find a good place to sit and chat

Minnie – Sure, let’s go

Mickey – Minnie, I have been hearing a lot about Cloud Services these days like IaaS, Paas & SaaS. Do you know about this

Minnie – Yes, let me tell you a story

Mickey – Wow

Minnie – Okay tell me to get to the airport, what transport option did you take

Mickey – I took a taxi

Minnie – Great, what are the other options you could have opted for

Mickey – I could have driven here in my own car. Or I could have used public transport like a bus

Minnie – Okay, now we can compare this example with the software industry

Mickey – This is interesting

Minnie – When you have your own car, you are completely responsible for its maintenance, upgrade, repairs, etc.

Mickey – Yes

Minnie – So this is like the traditional way of having On-Premise infrastructure and software. All the software and hardware used to be purchased and kept on-premise. All the responsibility of maintenance, upgrades, troubleshooting was the owner’s responsibility

Mickey – Yes, I got that, so where did IaaS, PaaS, SaaS come into the picture

Minnie – We have not yet discussed that. This was the traditional way. Now we move the Cloud Services

Mickey – Okay

Minnie – Now one of the ways to commute is, you can take a leased car

Mickey – Yes, that is another option

Minnie – So there you can use the car and travel as you wish. But the car is not yours, Whenever you want to can replace or upgrade it. Also any repair, maintenance will be done by the leasing company, You just need to provide it fuel, air and keep it running

Mickey – Yes, and I like that

Minnie – So this is like IaaS – Infrastructure as a Service

Here the infrastructure is available of the cloud, like the hardware, servers, CPU, storage, etc and users can use the infrastructure as required by giving a fee or subscription or pay-as-you-go model. You just need to get the required infrastructure and then setup software/apps as you need to

Mickey – Good to know

MinnieIaaS is a cloud service that provides basic computing infrastructure: servers, storage, and networking resources. A good option for IT administrators & developers

Mickey – Exactly like leased car

Minnie – Yes. A good example will be
Amazon AWS EC2
Microsoft Azure
Google Compute Engine

You get the machines, servers with the required configuration and then do your setup on that and run your software

Mickey – Great to know this

Minnie – Now, the Next option is taking a cab. When you take a taxi. You do not have to drive it yourself. You can inform the driver where you need to go and you can sit back and relax

Mickey – Yeah….

Minnie – So this is similar to Pass – Platform as a Service

PaaS is a bit like getting a cab. You get in and choose where you want to go to and how to get there. Keeping the car running and figuring out the details is up to the driver

There are cloud platforms that provide runtime environments for developing, testing, and managing applications. Here you do not have to worry about the underlying infrastructure as well. The service will give you the system ready with infrastructure and apps needed to run or test your software

It is a good option for Software Developers and Testers

Some PaaS providers are
Google App Engine
AWS Elastic Beanstalk
CloudBees (Jenkins)

Mickey – Feeling better

Minnie – Now tell me what option of transport is left

Mickey – The public transport. Like taking a public bus

Minnie – Yes, and that is an example for SaaS – Software as a Service

Mickey – Pls explain

Minnie – Buses have assigned routes and you share the ride with fellow passengers

Mickey – I know that

Minnie SaaS allows people to use cloud-based web applications. You currently would be using a lot of SaaS applications

Mickey – Like what

Minnie – Like

Google docs
Salesforce, etc

Mickey – Yes, I did not know that these are SaaS apps

Minnie – So you see these apps are created and available on the cloud

Mickey – So why are they called Software as a Service

Minnie – You see, these are like a complete product or software available on the cloud.

They are already developed, Users cannot change the basic functionality, but can use them.  It is perfect for End Users like you

Mickey – Like public transport, you cannot change the route or stops, etc. It is all fixed. You can get a ticket and take a ride

In the same way, you can create an account and use these services

Minnie – You are Smart, Mickey

Mickey – I know that 🙂

Minnie – So now you understand IaaS, Paas, SaaS

Mickey – Yes I do

Minnie – So tell me what more you want to know

Mickey – Why to use Cloud Services vs Traditional On-Premise Solution

Minnie – So you have seen in the traditional way of having the entire infrastructure, software, hardware, and everything on-premise may not be a good option in most cases

You have to take complete responsibility for everything like maintenance, repair, upgrades, issue handling, availability, etc

And if you need to use a new or latest ver, the old infrastructure becomes useless

Mickey – That’s true

Minnie – So with Cloud Services, you get lots of advantages like

You do not have to worry on maintenance, repairs, etc
Can use from anywhere
You can upgrade as you wish

Think of developing or configuring an email service yourself rather than using Gmail

Mickey – Oh, don’t say that

Minnie – So now you know everything about Cloud Services – IaaS, Paas & SaaS

Mickey – Yes, I feel much better now

Minnie – We still have some time for the flight, Lets go to the restaurant. I am hungry

Mickey – Sure Mam, the food is on me

Minnie – Thanks Mickey

Mickey – You are my best friend

Minnie – I am always here for you 🙂

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