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A Story of Automation Framework

One day Mickey was waiting for a train when Minnie came running to him

Mickey – Hey Minnie

Minnie – Hi Mickey, How are you?

Mickey – I am good, What happened?

Minnie – Do you know what is an Automation Framework

Mickey – Yes I know

Minnie – Can you teach me, I need to explain in my class tomorrow

Mickey – Sure Minnie, I have to catch this train you see. Will come to your place in the evening

Minnie – No, I would come with you and you can tell me the story in the train

Mickey – Well then, let’s Go

Minnie – It is so good here

Mickey – Yes, I like train journeys

Minnie – Okay shall we start

Mickey – Sure Minnie, Okay tell me if you go to a train station what all do you see

Minnie – Well first there is an Information counter where we can get all the information about trains, there is a ticket counter, there is a platform that helps to get in and out of trains.

Mickey – Yes great, what else you see on the train platform

Minnie – There are waiting rooms and seating arrangements, there are vendors who sell snacks, newspapers, magazines, etc.

Mickey – Great, so all the things necessary or everything that helps us to board a train is available at a single location called the train station

Minnie – Yes

Mickey – In the same way Automation Framework is like a platform where you will have all the things necessary to create and run automation scripts in a proper arranged, organized and efficient way

Minnie – Well I can relate that

Mickey – So all the libraries, tools, software, reporting systems etc. Information about the needs and usage are available and arranged in a structure in the automation framework

Minnie – So Automation framework helps to create and run automation

Mickey – Yes, and to manage, update, add scripts etc. It will also have result and reporting mechanism

Minnie – I am getting this

Mickey – So it is like a toolbox for automation testing that is portable. You can take it to any system and start automation

Minnie – Okay

Mickey – Or I can say Test Automation Framework is a structure that provides an environment to create, run and report test automation

Minnie – This is very easy. Can we go a little deep now

Mickey – Yes before that do you want some tea and snacks

Minnie – Yes, I need them

Mickey – Okay Minnie,  here are the general components of an Automation Framework

Test Scripts
Reusable elements
Command Line Tools

Minnie – Okay so this is how a standard Test Automation Framework looks like

Mickey – These are the general components of a Test Automation Framework. There can be some changes and customizations based on the type of application or platform we are testing

Minnie – Like what

Mickey – For example, if you are doing test automation for API, you may need request and response structure that may not be required in Web browser testing

Minnie – Oh I see

Mickey – And also there are different types of framework like

Keyword Driven

Minnie – Oh so all these have different structures

Mickey – The basic elements remain the same, these types differ in implementation. I will tell you about these some other day

Minnie – Okay Mickey

Mickey – Do you still have more questions

Minnie – All this is good, but why exactly do we need the framework

Mickey – Great question. Why do we need a train platform

Minnie – So it is easy and convenient to board train. We have everything needed at a single location

Mickey – Exactly, now suppose if you have the information counter located at one place and ticket counter at some other distant place and other things as well scattered

Minnie – that will be a mess

Mickey – Yes, same way framework provides everything required for doing automation at a single place in a properly defined structure

Minnie – I see

Mickey – Also this helps in

Easy maintenance
Easier and efficient addition and updates

Minnie – I got this Mickey

Mickey – Great and here comes my station. I will be getting off here. You can take the next train back home

Minnie – No I will wait here and will go back in the evening together

Mickey – Okay so here is my tiffin, Do eat something

Minnie – Sure Mickey, You are my best friend

Mickey – I am always here for you 🙂

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