One day Mickey was playing at the beach when Minnie came running to him.
Mickey – Hi Minnie, Are you okay?
Minnie – Yeah, I just wanted to discuss something important with you.
Mickey – Sure, go ahead.
Minnie – I keep hearing this IOT word these days. But do not know what exactly it is. At my job, people talk about it and I feel stupid as if I have no clue.
Mickey – I get that, I know you understand things with a story. Let me tell you one.
Minnie – Yeah, here we go.
Mickey – IoT is the short for Internet of Things
Minnie – So it means all things available on the internet
Mickey – Not exactly, Let us understand this.
Suppose you step into a huge library. You see books all around. Towers of books everywhere.
Now if you have to find a particular book, what do you do?
Minnie – Well, I will go to the librarian and ask for help.
Mickey – Exactly, and how will the librarian find the book?
Minnie – Well, he will probably look into his computer and search for the title or author and can tell which rack or shelf will I find the book.
Mickey – Here you go. Now can you guess how come the librarian has all this information about all the books?
Minnie – Well, I guess, whenever a new book arrives in the library, it is marked and the details about the book including location is fed to the librarian computer.
Mickey – Exactly. Now suppose if every book has some electronic tag or sensor and could send the information about its location to the librarian computer in real-time.
Minnie – Oh, that would be awesome. There will be no need to manually do all the feeding to the computer and over time it will be so easy. In case someone misplaced the book, Still, we can find the book easily and get all its information.
Mickey – You are getting it! Now just zoom out of the library and include the whole world. What if all the physical things like vehicles, devices, TV, Microwave, refrigerator, healthcare devices etc have these smart sensors to gather information and also a way to send this information across using the internet.
Minnie – Well I believe, that will be a whole connected world of things on the Internet.
Mickey – Yes, and that is what we call……
Minnie – Wait! and That is what we call the INTERNET OF THINGS… Hurray!
Mickey – Yes, now before I give you a more concrete example. Tell me how can a Vehicle having sensors and connected on the internet be of any use.
Minnie – Well, I guess, it can send information about it’s well being, I mean, in case there is any issue with the engine, or it is time for servicing or tyre pressure or gas level, etc.
Mickey – Yes, now think a step ahead. In case, God forbid, there is an accident, the sensors in the car can also send a message to the nearest police or ambulance with the exact location.
This is possible due to all these physical things connected to each other via the internet.
Minnie – I am getting it now.
Mikey – In a very simple way, think of a town that existed but did not have connecting roads to other towns or cities, Once these connecting roads are made it can now connect to other towns and then, there can be an exchange of goods and services for the benefit of all.
Minnie – Great
Mickey – Now let us see a Wikipedia definition of IoT
The Internet of things (IoT) is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines provided with unique identifiers (UIDs) and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction
Minnie – You know what Mickey, I am now understanding this. Just one question, so this is all about the network of smart devices.
Mickey – Exactly. In fact, The main concept of a network of smart devices was first discussed as early as 1982, with a modified Coca-Cola vending machine at Carnegie Mellon University becoming the first Internet-connected appliance that was able to report its inventory and whether newly loaded drinks were cold or not.
Minnie – Oh did I hit the bull’s eye (laughing)
Mickey – Yes you did (Both laughing)
Mickey – I hope now you can explain IoT to everyone at your workplace.
Minnie – Yes, with CONFIDENCE
“IoT or Internet of Things is a network of smart devices connected over the internet that have the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction”
Mickey – Great! You got it. Would you like to go surfing on the sea
Minnie – I would prefer to sit on the beach with you and watch the sunset while I assimilate all the great information you have given.
Mickey – Sure, I am always here for you.