What is Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM)

RTM or Requirements Traceability Matrix is a document that is created at the beginning of a project and lists all the requirements. This forms the links between the requirements and the work done (development/testing/validation) to implement and verify those requirements.

Parameters of RTM:

  • Requirement ID
  • Requirement Type
  • Requirement Description
  • Link to Design Specification
  • Link to Dev code (branches/ID)
  • Link to Unit Test Cases
  • Link to Integration Test Cases
  • Link to System Test Cases
  • Link to User Acceptance Test Cases
  • Link to deployment branches (ID)

The parameters are not fixed and can be updated as per the needs of the project.

We can do both forward and backward traceability with the RTM document. For e.g. If a defect is found it can be traced all the way back to the actual requirement for which the code was added/updated and the related test cases created to validate it.
